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5 Quick Tips For Improving Your Body Image

5 Quick Tips for Improving Body Image

Having a strong body image is important for so many reasons. It can help to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem, enabling you to feel comfortable in your own skin. A positive body image can also lead to improved physical health, as it encourages an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits. Additionally, feeling good about yourself sets the foundation for forming meaningful relationships with others, since it helps you to better express who you are in both words and actions. Finally, having a strong body image means that you don’t measure your worth by how you look; rather, you recognise your value as a person regardless of what society might think or say. When we learn to appreciate our bodies for all they do for us every day rather than judging ourselves based our physical appearance, we can lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives. So take the time to treat yourself with respect, kindness and compassion – your body will thank you for it!

When given the opportunity, embrace your body as it is today and work to cultivate a positive image of yourself without any judgement or comparison. Celebrate all that makes you unique; after all, there’s no one else quite like you in this world! Let go of all expectations of what your body should look like and focus instead on how it makes you feel each day. With enough self-love and dedication to taking care of yourself both mentally and physically, having a strong body image is within reach for us all.

I created a short video on five quick tips to help improve your body image.  I hope that its helpful to get started on this journey of self-love and appreciation!

Pax tibi



You can’t hate yourself happy. You can’t criticise yourself thin.
You can’t shame yourself worthy.
Real change begins with self-love and self-care.


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