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What Body Positivity Means To Me

Maya -- Red Flower Dress

Body positivity is about loving, accepting and embracing the body we have. It’s about understanding that there isn’t one standard definition of beauty and that we are all unique in our own way. The goal of body positivity is to foster a positive relationship with our bodies, free from shame and judgement. When it comes to achieving this goal, it starts with changing our mindset and creating habits that help us stay grounded in self-acceptance. This could include things like unlearning negative thought patterns, practicing mindful eating habits or embracing physical activity for joy instead of punishment.

We all deserve to be comfortable in our skin and feel empowered by who we are and how we look — body positivity can help make that happen. So let’s start celebrating our bodies and all the amazing things they can do! It’s time to take a stand for acceptance, love, and self-care. 

P.S: While the emphasis is on loving our own body, it’s also about providing support and empathy to others — regardless of their size or shape. Let’s create a more diverse and inclusive world by respecting each other’s differences! 

Pax tibi



You don't exist just to lose weight and look pretty.


One Response

  1. It is definitely time to take a stand for acceptance, love and self-care. I am anxious to go on this journey with you and learn how to achieve these goals that you mentioned above.

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