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I am very happy about the scale number this week.  Last week, when it registered a 10 lb (4.5kg) loss, I felt it was highly unlikely that was a true fat loss.  The numbers just do not add up.  I am calorie counting, that’s it.  I average a daily 500 calorie deficit, which means I should lose around a pound a week.  It’s impossible to lose that amount in fat stores.

But this week, the scale pretty much stayed the same, with just a .6 lb (.2kg) loss.  I believe my body is adjusting for all that time on was on keto.

I could never make keto a lifestyle because I love carbs too much.  But with calorie counting, I can truly eat whatever I want, as long as I stay at or below by targeted calories for the day.  It really is so simple.  Of course, weighing and measuring constantly is a chore, but there are handy apps I use to help make food journaling easier.  I think this is something that I can make a lifestyle out of; something I can stick to for the long run. 

Let’s see how it goes and see you next Monday!

Pax tibi



Today I will live in the moment. Unless it’s unpleasant. In which case I will eat a cupcake.


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