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Weight Loss Update: Week 1


This is a very strange way to kick off my weight loss endeavour:  I was down 10 pounds (4.5kg) this week.  Yes, it can be looked at as an achievement, but I also think something was going haywire in my body when I weighed in last week.

I had been on a stupid keto diet (I know, I know) and I had lost about 20 pounds (9kg).  But, as these things go, I felt seriously deprived.  For me, bread is life. And pasta too.  And potatoes.  And fruit, for fuck’s sake!  And pastry. As someone who used to be a pastry chef – there’s nothing like combining flaky layers of dough with syrupy sweetness in the form of pastries. In short, this restrictive eating style just wasn’t going cut it…

A n y w a y s…

I got down to 205lbs (93kg) before I completely lost my shit and for two weeks I stuffed my face with everything that had been missing in my dietary life.  I ate cookies, and focaccia, and Adam’s famous oatmeal which is packed full of dates and raisins, butter and maple syrup.  I ate berries.  Lots of berries.  For two weeks, I was off the rails.  But it felt so good.  I felt like I was back in the regular world again.  

After the 2 weeks, I said enough of this, and decided to commit to something I could live with.  I decided that calorie counting is the best for me.  That way, I can literally eat anything I want, as long as it fits into my calorie count for the day.  

So last Monday, when I got on the scale, and it registered at 217lbs (98kg) I seriously thought something was super wrong.  I mean, I know I ate a lot of cookies, but 12lbs (5kg) worth???  It really didn’t make sense to me.  And my calorie deficit for this week was certainly not enough to lose all of that weight.

I am tickled pink at what the scale said today, but I am taking it with a grain of salt because something was wonky.  We’ll see how the next couple of weeks go.

See you at the scales next week!

Pax tibi



“I’m just a girl, standing in front of a salad,
asking it to be 3 tacos, 2 margaritas
and an order of guacamole.”


Song of the Week:

Sometimes, I would like to share a song that moved me during the week.  When I workout, I like to listen to music that inspires me, but sometimes it comes from strange places.  This week, “Bring Me To Life” by Evanesance really worked for me.  When I listen and sing to these lyrics, I envision one side of myself (the one who wants to be fit and healthy) is talking with the other side of myself (the Devil, the one who wants to push me off my path).  Read the lyrics and listen to the music and see if you can connect.  It’s great for learning how to love yourself by saying affirmative words.


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