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Weight Loss Project -- The Beginning

That fear of stepping on the scale can be so real, and it’s something I understand deeply. We all want to feel good about ourselves and our bodies — but that can be hard when we compare ourselves to unrealistic standards in media or popular culture. 

The truth is, your worth as a person doesn’t depend on a number, nor does it depend on somebody’s opinion; it’s about loving yourself for who you are and how you look today. 

It’s important to find healthy ways to cope with our fears and focus on small steps towards wellness without getting caught up in obsessing over numbers. Take time for restorative practices such as yoga, mindfulness meditation, journaling, or even just taking a long walk outside – these can all help us build up our self-esteem and appreciate the present moment. Remember, you are enough, just as you are.

If you’re struggling with fear of stepping on the scale or negative body image in general, know that you’re not alone! Above all else, just remember to love yourself and take care of yourself no matter what your weight may be — it’s really all about taking small steps towards building healthier habits and better self-care practices.

This is the first step, for me, for gaining control of my bad food habits. I have to let go the fear of the scale. 

Pax tibi



Drink some water
you beautiful and capable but
dehydrated bitch.


One Response

  1. I am always concerned about my weight. It has ruined many moments throughout my life. I have been dieting all my life. Tried every eating plan imaginable. In fact, if I am too overweight, I sometimes miss events because I don’t think I look good enough. I am getting better as I am getting older, but I am very interested in building healthier habits and better self-care practices. Looking forward to taking this journey with you.

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