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Maya -- Unboxing Videos

I am absolutely obsessed with Unboxing videos! Seeing others get overjoyed as they open up their packages is just as thrilling for me to watch.  Viewing these kinds of videos gives me the feeling that it’s my birthday all over again – each and every time! Who would’ve thought I’d develop a passion for creating my own unboxing content? But here I am, revelling in the ritual of unboxing, where I hope you find joy in it as much as I do!

Come with me into the realm of Unboxing madness!  Are you ready?  Let’s have some fun…it’s time to start unboxing!

PS: Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more awesome unboxing content! It’d really mean a lot to me. Thank you! 🙂

Pax tibi



Box your worries,
Unbox happiness

Unboxing Special -- Expat Edition Featured Photo

Unboxing Special — US Expat Edition

X When you are a US expat, sometimes there are things you miss from home. Thankfully I have a mother who graciously ships care packages! She always sends us the things that we want or need. It’s so nice to be able to enjoy all the same goodies from back in the States! From graham crackers to her homemade toffee,

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Unboxing Video Image

Unboxing My First Boxes and Packages

Unboxing My First Boxes and Packages! X X I am so excited to present to you my inaugural unboxing video! For years, I have been a huge admirer of these types of videos and now it is finally my turn to experience the thrilling unveiling for myself!  I hope you enjoy it!   P.S  Tell me what are your favourite

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