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Weight Loss Project: Week 2.5 Special Update

Weight Loss Project: Week 2.5 Special Update X Well, I didn’t listen to my own advice.  I let that doctor’s appointment, and the anger and sadness that was wrapped around it, just propel me in to Advanced Comfort Foods.  None of it healthy, none of it diet friendly, or even friendly-adjacent.  And while it helped […]

Weight Loss Project: Week 2

WEIGHT LOSS PROJECT: WEEK 2 X I am very happy about the scale number this week.  Last week, when it registered a 10 lb (4.5kg) loss, I felt it was highly unlikely that was a true fat loss.  The numbers just do not add up.  I am calorie counting, that’s it.  I average a daily […]

Weight Loss Project: Week 1

Maya -- Weight Loss Week 1

Weight Loss Update: Week 1 X This is a very strange way to kick off my weight loss endeavour:  I was down 10 pounds (4.5kg) this week.  Yes, it can be looked at as an achievement, but I also think something was going haywire in my body when I weighed in last week. I had […]

Weight Loss Project — The Beginning

X Weight Loss Project — The Beginning That fear of stepping on the scale can be so real, and it’s something I understand deeply. We all want to feel good about ourselves and our bodies — but that can be hard when we compare ourselves to unrealistic standards in media or popular culture.  The truth […]