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Cancer Journey: Arrogant Doctors

Cancer Journey -- Arrogant Doctors

I have had the most tremendous medical team on my side throughout my cancer journey.  Everyone from the porters who brought me meals, to the nurses who held my hand when I was scared, to the staff who comforted me when I cried, to the lead surgeons and consultants, such as oncology and radiotherapy.  Absolutely everyone.  I thought it was just an Irish trait.  Well, I met two of the most rude, arrogant doctors I have ever come across.  I was devastated and it ruined my day.

Pax tibi



You need a good bedside manner with
doctors or you will get nowwhere.


One Response

  1. Oh Maya, I am so deeply sorry you experienced this horrible, insensitive appointment. It seems like that particular office is shuffling people through without any personal, compassionate care. Thankfully, this is the only time you have been in this kind of situation, as Ireland medical personnel has always been the best ever exceptional care.

    One would hope that the nurse/doctor would have taken the time to review your medical history before making a diagnosis and prescribing medication. For many reasons, most people just do whatever the doctor tells them to do and they don’t question or challenge it.

    I believe knowledge is power and you are absolutely right to do your research and read up on what is being prescribed. It is so important to be our own advocate, especially in this busy, rushed day and age.

    Side effects are real. I hear and see them on t.v. commercials when they are advertising medications to take, and the list of possible side effects are horrific!!! We are fortunate to be living in an age where we can research anything at our fingertips.

    Speaking of research, I recently learned about blood draws. If someone has a weakened immune system, it can take months for them to rebuild after a larger blood draw. Before they get a chance to rebuild, they often get another blood draw. The blood draw takes part of your immune system, which is critical when you are trying to heal and get well.

    You didn’t mention that the reason for the blood draw twice a week would be to check and see if your liver or kidneys are being damaged by the toxic medication!!! You are already anemic and to have blood drawn that often would not be healthy for you at all. A never ending cycle of an immune system that is compromised and in my humble opinion, no possible way to catch up (so to speak), and get well.

    Toxic medications and blood draws are two reasons and vicious anti-healing cycles why people don’t ever get well.

    As you know, I am not a doctor. I do believe that medicine has its place. However, I am more for curing the health problem in most cases than to throw toxic medicine at it.

    I believe you made the right decision to not take the steroids and the added toxic medication. I believe your body can heal with food, i.e., fruits, vegetables, vitamin supplements and herbs. These have no toxic side effects, but have medicinal properties that give your body the chance to recover and heal.

    As always, my fervent prayer for you is to be free of the constant debilitating pain you suffer caused by chemotherapy, radiation and toxic anti-cancer medication. I am also praying for the cure.🩷🎀🩷

    I love you so much.

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